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Claris FileMaker Server 2024 Overview

claris filemaker server 2024 overview.

Claris FileMaker Server 2024 is here! This new version is packed with an array of useful features including PSOS on Server, a Data API prohibit mode, and more! These upgrades will take your FileMaker applications to the next level!

What's New?

  • Admin API to upload/download a database

  • Admin API to get external authentication toggle statuses

  • Admin API to manage custom OAuth

  • Show all backups on disk

  • Logging Updates

  • WebDirect: Touch keyboard on mobile browsers

  • Block new users

Admin API to Upload/Download a Database

The Admin API has gotten some updates and new robust features as part of its offerings. There is a new endpoint on the Admin API for uploading databases to FileMaker Server.

POST [host]/admin/api/v2/databases/upload

There is also another new endpoint for downloading a database using its database ID.

GET databases/download/{db_id}

Admin API to Get External Authentication Toggle Statuses

There are new Admin API endpoints for retrieving various database sign-in settings.

  • External Server Accounts: GET [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/dbsignin/externalserver

  • Amazon: GET [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/dbsignin/amazon

  • Google: GET [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/dbsignin/google

  • Microsoft: GET [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/dbsignin/microsoft

  • AppleID: GET [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/dbsignin/appleid

  • Custom OAuth: GET [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/dbsignin/customoauth

Admin API to Manage Custom OAuth

New GET and PATCH endpoints in the FileMaker Admin API enable you to retrieve and modify custom OAuth identity provider information. GET [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/provider/customoauth will retrieve that information for you. Use PATCH [host]/admin/api/v2/extauth/provider/customoauth to modify the information. You can find more information on the FileMaker Admin API reference.

Show All Backups on Disk

The Backups tab in the Admin Console now shows all the local backups, making it easier to navigate which backups you have easy access to.

WebDirect: Touch Keyboard on Mobile Browsers

FileMaker WebDirect now has some new touch keyboard support for mobile browsers. These include:


  • URL

  • Email

  • Number keypad

Logging Updates

In the Admin Console, within the Logging tab, there are now options to collapse and expand the sidebar. This will make it easier to read logs within the Admin Console interface.

Additionally, there is now an option to enable the "Script Event Log" option, which will write script behavior to the Event.log file instead of the scriptEvent.log file.

Block New Users

You can now decide whether or not new users are permitted to connect to all FileMaker databases. This will not affect pre-existing users and will only apply to new users. The new "Block New Users" setting is under Configuration > General Settings > Startup Settings. You can also use this new feature in Admin API. The new endpoint /server/config/blocknewusers lets you view (GET) or modify (PATCH) this setting, as well.


The new improvements that FileMaker Server 2024 brings allow you to get even more mileage out of your FileMaker applications. If you want to upgrade your FileMaker server or FileMaker application or have any questions regarding the release of Claris FileMaker Server 2024, please contact us for more info to get the most out of Claris FileMaker.

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Contact us to discuss upgrading your Claris FileMaker software.

austin carie headshot.
Austin Carie

Austin is a detail-oriented application developer who enjoys building genuine relationships with teammates and clients. His ability to work productively in a group and problem-solve individually makes him an asset to the DB team.