DB Services has chosen to support Heart to Heart International in Q3 of 2024 with our Surveys for Success program. Heart to Heart International's main mission is to improve access to healthcare across the globe, focusing on under-resourced communities and disaster situations. The Surveys for Success program is our way of saying thank you for our customers' valuable feedback by paying it forward to those in need.
Heart to Heart achieves its mission with various programs. Hygiene kits are an integral piece of this process, as they are distributed in the immediate aftermath of disasters and as part of ongoing crisis responses. They serve as a first line of defense against the spread of illness. Heart to Heart also delivers medicines and supplies that match the specific needs of each crisis situation or underserved community. They have also installed many point-of-care laboratories in free clinics to help diagnose and manage chronic conditions for those who cannot afford the tests. Many communities around the world have been positively affected by the resources and care that this organization provides.
Each customer survey we receive is an additional donation towards Heart to Heart International. Your feedback will not only help our team at DB Services, but also provide Heart to Heart International with donations to further improve healthcare access for everyone. Together, we can make a positive impact!
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