The latest version of FM Quickstart has arrived! This hefty showcase of new features is sure to improve how you use your system while tackling things like quality of life, workflows, data structures, and speed while expanding the limits of your database. Some of the more notable new features include:
Parent/Child Task History
Price Breaks for Products
BANT forecasting and reporting
Contact/Company Consolidation
New Shipment UI
Duplicating Work Orders

Parent/Child Task History
Tasking, subtasking, and keeping track of either has never been easier. With the upgraded tasking system, you now have the ability to track related tasks and subtasks by parent task, contact, and company.
This updated functionality can be accessed anywhere tasking can be accessed. Simply click into one of the related tasks and view all the information you need.
Create a task
Add a subtask to the task
View all information about the subtasks

Price Breaks
Does your business rely on price tiers to determine pricing per product? FM Quickstart 2024 finally has a solution for you! We've added the ability to toggle individual products as having price tiers.

Price breaks are incredibly easy to set up: simply mark the checkbox that says "Has price tiers" on the product screen, press the Price Tier button that appears, and start plugging in the minimum quantity, maximum quantity, and price of each tier. From that moment forward, any time a product with price tiers is added, the tiered price will pull in.
BANT Forecasting and Reporting
If your company prefers to use the BANT forecasting method for leads and opportunities, this update is for you. Now, on any opportunity, you have the ability to quickly set a BANT score of one through ten for the four deterministic qualities in a lead: budget, authority, need, and timeline. From there, a percentage is calculated, letting you know how aligned your lead is with your business.

Along with this addition comes a new Open Opportunities report, which will allow you to search, group by, or sort by BANT figures. Grouping by BANT Tiers will group all that are within the same 25% range and sort them by the highest percentage.

Contact/Company Consolidation
Whether it be bad data, duplicate contacts for a company, or the passing of torches, contacts and companies are bound to be less than accurate at some point, no matter how vigilant you are. With the new consolidation button, you can take away the worries of redundant or incorrect contact and/or company information.
By pressing the Consolidate button on either module, you can consolidate other records into the selected record. This will reassign any tasks, opportunities, quotes, orders, and so on to the current record and mark the other with the word "CONSOLIDATED". Then, you can do whatever you'd like with the old record.

This also allows for consolidating more than one contact or company at a time by pressing the "+ All" button.
New Shipment UI
The shipment UI in the Orders module has been updated to better match the rest of the system and to reflect the already existing UI for the receiving section of POs. This allows for selecting the items you want to add to the shipment and the quantity before creating the shipment.

Duplicating Work Orders
In the spirit of quick and easy quality-of-life changes, we've also incorporated the ability to duplicate work orders. By pressing the Duplicate button, all line items pull over for the work order, which has the new order's status set to pending.
On top of all discussed above, there are a number of other small tweaks and changes that have improved the FM Quickstart experience. DB Services is proud to present FM Quickstart 2024 free and totally unlocked to the Claris FileMaker community. This robust Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) app is great for anyone just beginning their journey into Claris FileMaker or for current Claris FileMaker users looking for an update or new ERP module.
To download FM Quickstart 2024, please visit the official FM Quickstart website here to have it sent directly to your email inbox.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our team with any questions or give us a call at 888-488-0191. DB Services looks forward to the opportunity to help you build your dream Workplace Innovation Platform in Claris FileMaker!
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