Claris FileMaker has implemented a termination policy for annual licensing agreements. To avoid disruption to your FileMaker solution, all FileMaker contracts must be renewed by their expiration date. Failure to renew will result in contract termination, meaning your organization will no longer have access to your FileMaker application.
This policy ensures compliance with Claris' End User License Agreement (EULA). An expired license prevents you from installing FileMaker on new devices or upgrading to the latest version. As Claris continues to enhance functionality and security on the Claris FileMaker platform, staying current with the current version is essential to maximizing your FileMaker application's performance and ensuring peace of mind.
If your license is expired, you may receive one of the following messages:

Your Claris FileMaker software licenses under contract number XXXXXXXX have now been expired since [date]. In order to ensure that your Claris FileMaker software is not deactivated, you must contact Claris Sales at Licensing_Compliance_AMR@claris.com and renew as soon as possible. If your renewal is not complete by [date], your Claris FileMaker software will be deactivated and you will no longer be able to access your Claris FileMaker software. If you do not wish to renew the software, then you are required to uninstall all software associated with the contract and cease all use. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Claris Sales at Licensing_Compliance_AMR@claris.com to renew your licenses.
We recommend the following to prevent this from happening to you:
Renew your contract on time. Not renewing will eventually lead to this occurring.
Make sure the license certificate on your server and clients is accurate. If you make a change to your license (for example, going from a user license to a site license), make sure to update your server license certificate to avoid any possible downtime. DB Services licensing customers can access their certificate directly through the DB Central portal at any time.
We recognize that your FileMaker system is vital to your organization’s success, so renewing your license promptly is critical to ensuring uninterrupted access to your FileMaker application. We are a Claris Platinum Partner and can provide you with expert guidance to get you the best possible price on licensing. If your Claris FileMaker license has expired or is due for renewal, contact DB Services to renew and save on costs.
Did you know we are an authorized reseller for Claris FileMaker Licensing?
Contact us to discuss upgrading your Claris FileMaker software.