Nonprofit organizations need efficient means to raise funds so they can focus on advancing their mission. Historically, Salesforce has had solutions built specifically for the unique needs of nonprofits, such as the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), but now, with Salesforce's Nonprofit Cloud (NPC), organizations have even more powerful tools to streamline operations, increase collaboration, and focus on outcomes. Let's take a look at how Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising can help elevate an organization's fundraising efforts to the next level and increase operational efficiency.
The new Nonprofit Cloud has purpose-built apps for different roles in your fundraising department, including:
Fundraising Operations. Gift processors, donor support officers, and others can enter gifts, process payments, record commitments, and handle donor requests.
Donor Engagement. Campaign managers and mass-marketing fundraisers can manage campaigns and outreach source codes to segment and appeal to donors on various channels.
Philanthropy & Partnerships. High-touch fundraisers and grant writers can use tools such as donor profiles, actionable lists, and opportunities to track and manage the complex process of soliciting large donations.
Fundraising Strategy. Executives and managers can keep a pulse on fundraising efforts using reports and dashboards.

Let's examine the details of each app to understand how fundraising teams can use the purpose-built tools in Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising to foster donor relationships more efficiently and effectively.
Fundraising Operations
Operations need to support all functions of fundraising and require streamlined data entry to efficiently enter gifts and commitments and handle support. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud has donor profiles, gift commitments and transaction and gift entry to facilitate efficient data entry and help you reach your fundraising goals.
Donor Profiles. A 360 view of a donor that fundraising operations can use as a one-stop shop. Out of the box, users can view a donor's interests, gifts, fundraising timeline, relationships, and so on.

Gift Commitments and Transactions. Nonprofit Cloud allows fundraisers to track the promise of donations as gift commitments and actual donations as gift transactions. This distinction makes it easy to separate forecasting from realized funds and provides an easy means for operations to follow up on missed or failed transactions. Commitments can be configured as one-time or recurring.

Gift Designations. Fundraisers can mark funds for a specific purpose using gift designations, similar to NPSP's GAUs. Individual gift commitments and transactions can be given multiple designations with percentages.

Gift Entry & Batches. Operations can efficiently enter gifts using Gift Entry and Gift Batches. Gift Entry allows fundraisers to enter multiple donations on one screen that will split out into gift commitments, transactions and other records, and a gift batch is just a collection of gift entries that are processed together.

Donor Engagement
Engagement needs the ability to track and report on fundraising campaigns and appeals to prospective and existing donors. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud has campaigns, outreach source codes, and Data Cloud to give engagement what it needs to advance its mission to donors of all sizes.
Campaigns. Campaigns are the usual object for tracking outreach efforts in Salesforce; however, fundraising in Nonprofit Cloud organizes things a bit differently. Instead of campaigns in hierarchies and campaign members, engagement tracks appeals and audience as outreach source code records. Outreach source codes give engagement more granular control over comparing performance across messages, channels, and segments.

Outreach Source Codes. In Nonprofit Cloud, outreach source codes give fundraisers the ability to track a specific appeal, the intersection between a segment, message, and channel. Multiple outreach source codes can be attached to one campaign to track performance.

Data Cloud. Quickly becoming a key pillar of the Salesforce platform, Data Cloud gives organizations the ability to ingest, harmonize, unify, and segment data from multiple sources efficiently. Fundraisers can use Data Cloud for complex segmentation that isn't easy to do in Salesforce reports and list views.

Philanthropy & Partnerships
Philanthropy requires tools to track and nurture complex relationships with prospective and existing high-value donors. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud has actionable lists, action plans, and opportunities to aid in long close cycles to raise more money and retain major donors.
Actionable Lists. Actionable lists can also be used to segment donors into lists using complex criteria. To automatically assign donors, admins can create a definition in a data processing engine, a tool that comes with industry clouds like Nonprofit Cloud. Definitions are like flows, but the output is a dataset that can be saved as an object.

Action Plan. Fundraisers can create action plan templates to assign the same set of tasks to different donors who share similar criteria, like donors who have given over 100k in the past three years. These standardized lists of tasks will ensure your philanthropy team follows the same processes to maximize gift conversion and donor retention.

Opportunities. To track a potential major gift or a grant, fundraisers use the opportunity object in Nonprofit Cloud. Unlike Salesforce NPSP, the opportunity object itself does not represent a donation; to do that, use gift commitments and gift transactions. When an opportunity close wins, organizations will create a gift commitment from the information in the opp.

Fundraising Strategy
Fundraising Strategy needs to aggregate data from across all fundraising efforts and surface it in an efficient and easily digestible manner. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud includes operational reporting and dashboards to aid strategy in keeping a pulse on all fundraising activities.
Reports & Dashboards. A cornerstone of any Salesforce implementation, reports and dashboards help organizations surface their data in meaningful ways to help team members make informed decisions. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud can report on all kinds of key metrics that empower your team members with a high-level understanding of your fundraising data, including opportunities, gift commitments, donor touchpoints, interest tag usage, etc.

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising includes a handful of AI-specific features to allow your fundraising department to focus on more valuable donor interactions.
Major Donor Engagement Summary. Einstein can automatically create a summary of a donor and their giving history using a Create Engagement Summary button on the donor profile.
Major Gift Proposal. Use AI to automatically create a gift proposal that's personalized to a particular donor with a Create Major Gift Proposal button on the donor profile. Fundraising can then edit the proposal further if needed.
Note Summary. Also, on the donor profile as a Summarize Notes button, Einstein can automatically create a summary of all donor interactions so fundraising can quickly get background donor information while on a call or meeting.
Collaboration Par Excellence
Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising gives organizations the tools they need to run their operations efficiently while increasing cross-team collaboration and donor engagement. From apps tailored to different fundraising roles to streamlining gift entries, NPC has what fundraisers need to focus on their main objective: advancing the mission of their organization through acquiring funds. Contact DB Services if you'd like to discuss how Nonprofit Cloud can help your nonprofit organization today.
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