WordPress Form FileMaker Integration
Double data entry no more! Your contact, quote, online order, whatever your form includes will automatically be dropped into FileMaker. We will show\_you how to integrate a WordPress form, the most popular content management system, to drop data\_directly into FileMaker in real time.
FileMaker Avalara Sales Tax Integration
Sales tax rates can be difficult to keep track of for your business if you have customers all over the country or even world. Learn how to integrate FileMaker with a web service to automate sales tax rate lookup to make life a little easier.
FileMaker Google Calendar Integration
Having your own calendar inside of FileMaker is a great way for you and your coworkers to keep track of upcoming appointments. However, building your own calendar in FileMaker is a very tedious task. Why reinvent the wheel when there are already apps out there that you can integrate with? We demo how you can integrate your FileMaker solution with Google Calendar to take advantage of Google's powerful features.
FileMaker QuickBooks Online Integration
Many companies use both QuickBooks and FileMaker end up having to do double data entry from one system to the next. In this article, we will demonstrate how you can eliminate the hassle of manually copying the information by integrating your FileMaker solution with QuickBooks online.
FileMaker Xero Integration
This article will show you how to integrate FileMaker with Xero, including how to create a Xero developer account and application, establish a connection to the API, make a request, and parse the response. Eliminate double data entry with Xero.
FileMaker Twitter Integration
You can now build custom FileMaker apps which directly integrate with Twitter using the latest FileMaker technology with no plugins. See the Twitter user profile description, followers, and favorite count just to name a few things. Free demo file included!
FileMaker HubSpot Integration
HubSpot is an online marketing and sales tool that helps convert leads and close customers. Learn how to integrate your FileMaker system with HubSpot, and move opportunities through your funnel without double data entry. Includes free sample database plus YouTube video demonstration.
FileMaker EDI Integration
EDI is the most popular way of electronically exchanging business documents. Find out how to integrate your FileMaker system with an EDI platform to automate communication with large business partners.
FileMaker Gmail Integration
Make the most of your FileMaker CRM by automatically importing your Gmail emails directly into your solution for better visibility on communication with your contacts. Integrate FileMaker with Gmail, includes video and free sample file.
FileMaker Walmart Integration
Integrate your FileMaker custom app with the Walmart Marketplace API and streamline your business now. Walmart is the largest retailer in the world with $485.9 billion in total revenue and reaches over\_100 million users a month on Walmart.com. Includes a video and sample file.
FileMaker Outlook Calendar Integration
Streamline your event and scheduling workflow by giving you the ability to sync your Outlook calendar flawlessly with your FileMaker solution. Automate adding events to your Outlook Calendar when you integrate your FileMaker system with Outlook via Microsoft Graph API. Includes a video and sample file.
FileMaker Adobe InDesign Integration
FileMaker can easily integrate with Adobe InDesign and create powerful InDesign documents by generating XML out of FileMaker. With a bit of additional development, you can even automate the process of placing text and photos directly on the page for designs that rarely need adjustments. Save time and reduce human error by automating repetitive Adobe InDesign processes and eliminate double data entry. We will show you how to use FileMaker and Adobe InDesign to make elegant designs with just a few clicks. Includes a video and free sample file.
FileMaker Square Integration
Using Square's Point of Sale API, FileMaker Go on iOS can push transactions directly to one of the most popular in-person credit card processing systems available. Watch the video and download the sample file.
Filemaker SurveyMonkey Integration
Learn how to integrate your FileMaker with SurveyMonkey to automatically download completed surveys in real time using the SurveyMonkey API. Includes a video and sample file.
FileMaker Salesforce Marketing Cloud Integration
With Salesforce Marketing Cloud's SOAP API and automation tools, you can automatically import email engagement statistics into your FileMaker application and link them to customers and prospects. Learn how to integrate your FileMaker application with Salesforce Marketing Cloud to automatically import email campaign statistics. Includes a video and sample file.
FileMaker RingCentral Integration
Learn how to integrate inbound calls known as screen pops to your FileMaker application when receiving calls from RingCentral. Includes a video and sample file.
Filemaker Twilio Integration
Integrating Twilio with FileMaker can give you the ability to easily send appointment reminders, sales discounts, and much more straight to your customers' phones with just a few lines of code in your FileMaker app. Includes a video and sample file.
FileMaker Squarespace Integration
Reduce double data entry by integrating your FileMaker app with Squarespace, automating data pages on your website with just a few lines of code. Includes a video and sample file.
FileMaker Shopify Integration
Integrating Shopify with FileMaker allows you to easily manage your online store straight from your FileMaker solution. With some incredibly simple and intuitive calls, you can download, create, modify, and delete just about any aspect of Shopify straight from your FileMaker solution. Includes a video and sample file.
FileMaker JavaScript Web Viewer Integration
Web viewers are a great way to gather and display information not native to FileMaker. The JavaScript web viewer integration has made implementation of web apps in your FileMaker solutions easier than ever by making communication between the two easier to develop. Includes a video and sample file.